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Welcome. We hope this page will make it easier for you to find fiction and nonfiction books based on specific genres, themes, and other topics of interest. One story may fit into several different categories. For instance, Angel’s Grace by Tracey Baptiste is a middle grade, realistic story set in the Caribbean and tells about a girl who has self-identity issues based on past family secrets. So as the bolded words indicate, Angel’s Grace will be listed under five different categories in the fiction section. The categories listed will not always represent the main theme of the story but one that may be interwoven throughout. Categories include traditional and some self-published titles.
This page is an ongoing work in progress. There are some titles that have not been added yet, ones that will be added as new releases are published, and some that may need to be re-categorized. If you have any questions, concerns, or corrections about the categories, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at <info@bcbooksandauthors.com>. We want to be as accurate as possible.

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John K adding some text as a test.

Books by Categories

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