Aiken, Rashonda (Indie)

Aiken, Rashonda (Indie)
Author's Name:

Rashonda Aiken


Rashonda is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, with two sisters in law and two brothers in law and an aunt of five nieces. Being raised by her single mother and grandparents, along with aunts, great grand aunts and a slew of older cousins, she was taught to be independent, humble, open-minded, and generous and was told to always respect your elders. Rashonda was the only child for ten years until her younger brother came along.

While Rashonda was taking care of everyone else, she had to make sure she gets time to herself. She started reading different books here and there. Not specific genre, but something to read to herself.

A few years later, Rashonda became a club member to a book club in New Jersey for a couple of years name Black Voices. The book club dispersed and everyone went their separate ways. Rashonda kept reading various author books, but she had a few favorites that she would follow.

About seven years ago, Rashonda found another book club, but at that time, no new members were being accepted. A couple of months later, Rashonda attended a meeting for the book club to see how they operate as a book club. She liked the book club and knew a couple of the members from her hometown. Rashonda was accepted in the book club name Literary Ladies Book Club out of New Jersey. Rashonda is currently a member for the past seven years. She is also L2 Face Book and Twitter administrator for the club along with being the camera woman.

Rashonda is CEO and a new children’s book author under her publishing company Rahway Girlz Publishing along with her daughter Se’Quince. Se’Quince is an author with three books under her name with a fourth due to come out in December for the holidays. Wynter is web designer for Rahway Girlz Publishing under Se’Quince. Wynter is working on becoming a fashion blogger under her own name.

Rashonda was born and raised in Rahway, New Jersey with her twin daughters, husband and dog Pepper.


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