December 8, 2018

30 MG & YA Gift Ideas from 2018

It’s gift-giving season—the perfect time to share a great book or two with the readers in your life. It’s also the perfect time to donate a […]
November 23, 2018

25 Christmas and Kwanzaa Books for the Season

The most wonderful time of the year is here. A spirit of giving and goodness seems to fill the air and warm the heart. During this […]
November 15, 2018

40 Books for Picture Book Month

November is Picture Book Month (PBM)! It is a month-long appreciation of the “beautifully crafted picture book.” Dianne de Las Casas, founder of PBM, wanted to show […]
July 19, 2018

10 Books for National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month was first observed in July 2008. The purpose of the month is “to help raise awareness about mental illness and […]