June 6, 2019

What’s Your Story?: Tonya Duncan Ellis: Living My Dream

“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards […]
May 20, 2019

What’s Your Story?: Dr. Melissa Munro Boyd

“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards […]
January 17, 2019

What’s Your Story?: Phelicia Lang

“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA web. Authors-traditional and self-published-are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards […]
April 27, 2018

What’s Your Story?: Kamichi Jackson

This is a repost of indie author Kamichi Jackson’s “What’s Your Story?” submission for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. She asks, “Is This Story About […]