“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards and challenges of publishing, etc. They can go in whatever direction they choose. We are excited and grateful for their willingness to share, and we hope you enjoy our guests’ stories. Go here for more WYS? Posts.

Born and raised on the tiny island of Trinidad and Tobago, I always had a passion for designing and creating something from a blank canvas. I was always intrigued by movies both live-action and animation together with the behind the scenes process that took place for the making of them. I would always find myself focusing on the production aspect to gain a better understanding of what really goes into an animated film. At the age of 16, I was given the opportunity to live abroad in Canada, where I was fortunate enough to interact with different cultures. It was only after I graduated high school that I returned to Trinidad to pursue my dream of being an animator and graphic designer. Studying animation and graphic design at a college level led me to land my first job as a Junior Graphic Artist for one of the top advertising firms in Trinidad. I loved every aspect of it! Designing various ads for different advertising campaigns, winning awards, and just having fun while creating. Yet, I still felt like there was more that I needed to be doing with my skillset.
After years of working in the advertising industry, my skills in design, writing, and animation became more versed. It was only then that I decided to take my skills to the next level by creating my own children’s book series entitled Timothy’s Lessons In Good Values. It is an interactive book series that is based on the importance of good morals and values as well as fun and exciting activities that kids can enjoy while learning at the same time. Some of the values that are in the series include Kindness, Courage, and Responsibility. Timothy, who is the main character in the book, stands up for what is right and just. He defeats his enemies as he transforms into the Warrior of Good Values, which shows his audience that they too can be a Warrior of Good Values. What is really great about this book series is that it creates a world in which kids can relate to in terms of current issues that are happening in our world and schools today. Timothy, being the heroic figure, gives children a role model for their generation who they can aspire to be. The activity sections in the book teach and educate children on the importance of various values in which they would carry with them throughout their lives. My ultimate goal for this book series is to inspire the younger generation about the importance of having good morals throughout their life and to essentially create a ripple effect for future generations thereafter.
Awards & Recognition:
The Youth Award for Timothy’s Lessons in Good Values Volume 1 – In the Visual Arts Category, from The Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development, Trinidad and Tobago
First Authors Award for Timothy’s Lessons in Good Values Volume 1 – from NALIS (National Library and Information System) Authority Trinidad and Tobago
Connect with Christopher:
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Christopher Gordon is the author and illustrator of Timothy’s Lessons In Good Values, a children’s book series. Christopher’s eye for detail and creativity is shown in his designs that range from digital to animation to motion. His out of the box creative thinking breathes new meaning for design in the advertising universe. When he is not working on digital designs, he is passionately writing and illustrating.