“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards and challenges of publishing, etc. They can go in whatever direction they choose. We are excited and grateful for their willingness to share, and we hope you enjoy Fred Whitaker’s story. Go here for more WYS? posts.
As a consistent thinker, I have so many thoughts that I must jot them down on paper. What first started as a thought, the Come on a Journee with Me book series quickly developed into something I am truly proud of. Though I am not a writer, having a stranger write and tell stories about the most important girls in my life was not an option. At that moment, I realized the perfect writer and storyteller could be no other than my sister, Courtney Whitaker. Courtney and I have a lengthy age difference between us, and for as long as I can remember Courtney’s dream has always been to become a writer and storyteller. A thousand percent invested in my vision for the book, I gifted Courtney the opportunity to take creative control of my idea on a piece of paper and turn it into a timeless narrative while betting on ourselves.
With an idea to create a children’s book that would be impactful for all children, I initially didn’t know what the book would entail. I knew that the girls were my biggest inspiration for Come on a Journee with Me to NYC because traveling is something we enjoy doing often. I love that the girls can expand their minds, see different things, and experience life outside of the community that they lived in. This made me quickly realize that there was a need to share stories about young children traveling and experiencing those things. I wanted this series to highlight and explore traveling as a luxury that everyone can have through storytelling or reality. The book explores the dynamic relationship between Black fathers and their daughters, entrepreneurship, and the importance of educating those around us about Black culture and Black history.
Courtney and I wanted to have full control of the book series, so we researched how to achieve becoming independent publishers. It was no easy task because there were so many questions and no one to guide us through it. With Courtney by my side, we created a book series that we are proud of, and it feels amazing to know that we are in control of something very dear to our hearts. We hope that children are excited and will feel good while imagining all the places they too can experience.
Fred Whitaker, CEO of Journee Enterprises, a talent management and consulting firm, successfully manages and secures vital opportunities for celebrities and corporations, while also being an active co-parent to Journee and an uncle to his niece, Briley. Fred has diligently made strides in his own career by producing the HBCU 101 TV series, co-founding the HBCU Experience, and owning an Atomic Wing franchise restaurant. Fred continues to prove exactly what his company motto states, “it is the little things that you do that make a difference” and continues to succeed each day.

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Come on a Journee with Me to NYC
Fred Whitaker | Courtney Whitaker | Cameron Wilson | Journee Enterprises | September 23, 2020 | 29 Pages