“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards and challenges of publishing, etc. They can go in whatever direction they choose. We are excited and grateful for their willingness to share, and we hope you enjoy Shambrekiá and Sandiya’s story. Go here for more WYS? posts.
Adorable mother-daughter duo Shambrekiá Wise and Sandiya Badmus are making the best out of their increased time at home together since the Coronavirus pandemic swept the globe. Aside from the typical subjects for kindergarteners—math, science, reading, and writing—Sandiya looks forward to creating books with her mother inspired by traveling.

The book series, Sightseeing with Sandy, creates a telescope to the world so children don’t ever have to leave home to explore it. When asked, Sandiya shared her thoughts: “I love these books and I love traveling and doing new things with my mommie. I think other kids will love them, too!”
While Sandiya is a first-time author, Shambrekia is not new to the writing scene. Her first book, First Stop, Dupont Circle, allowed readers to embark on a realistic love story where the main character, Chas, reclaims her life after a broken heart. There was also a special twist at the end of this Potomac-based novel.
“I loved writing the first book for this series. Due to personal events in my own life, it was very cathartic to write and easily relatable for most readers. The second book is coming, but I’m looking forward to completing this first volume of our children’s series,” said Shambrekia. “I’m ecstatic because we can provide kids the opportunity to travel the world without parents experiencing the financial burden that comes with it. Furthermore, with the current conditions we’re facing, this obviously provides a much safer way to learn about the world until children are able to go see it for themselves.” Sandy and her favorite stuffed cheetah, Zooma, travel the lands, skies, and oceans with her mother in the series, experiencing history, geography, and culinary arts firsthand.

While the two touch on a few mainstream characters and events we can all relate to, they thought it would be amazing to recognize current heroes from all walks of life. “We’ve gotten great feedback on this nontraditional approach, but we don’t want to say too much!” The first paperback book in the series is due to drop in early May. Originally scheduled for release in June, since the closing of schools due to the pandemic, these two ladies wanted to make their book available sooner. The e-book is currently available for pre-sale on Amazon.

But it’s not just the books the two have created. While anxious little readers await their first adventure, Shambrekiá and Sandiya have created an entire website dedicated to all things travel. “Along with a blog that most parents can find informative, we have pictures with brief descriptions from our travels for kids to see and even fun recipes for families to prepare together.”
These ladies will have a busy year as they are slated to have no less than ten books in the series completed. “It’s going to be fun! We plan on taking kids across the world and hopefully, we will encourage kids to be kids and be accepting and loving of one another.”
When they aren’t writing or doing their normal 9-to-5 routine, the two like to do yoga, bake cookies, and watch Sandy’s favorite movies on the weekends with their puppy, Chai, and of course, Zooma.

Connect with Shambrekiá and Sandiya:
Sightseeing with Sandy is giving away 50 blank passport books. Children will learn about the importance of a passport!